Group of business professionals stand over a desk together looking at a computer screen as they discuss lead magnet creation

Lead magnets can be the difference between growth and stagnation for your business. Last time, we introduced the first steps in finding success with B2B lead magnet creation, and today we’re covering the last actions and considerations you need to take to excel. 

The key? Letting the data guide you. Let’s get into it.

Step 5: Optimize for Conversion

For your lead magnets to convert as many leads as possible, you need to position it effectively. This means developing a well-thought-out landing page that’s dedicated to a specific lead magnet.  

Your landing page should be clean, focused, and free of distractions. On the page, make sure to:

  • Highlight the benefits of the lead magnet 
  • Include a strong headline 
  • Incorporate a form that’s easy to complete
  • Add compelling visuals, especially video 
  • An impactful call-to-action (CTA)

Landing pages with videos can increase conversion rates by up to 80%, so consider adding a brief explainer video if possible.

Make your CTA clear, compelling, and action-oriented. Use persuasive language that creates a sense of urgency or highlights the value of the lead magnet. For example, instead of a generic “Submit,” try “Get Your Free Guide Now.” 

Test different CTAs to see which ones perform best. Consider personalization, as tailored CTAs have been shown to convert 202% better than generic ones.

A/B Testing. Continuously test different elements of your landing page and lead magnet to improve conversion rates. A/B testing lets you compare two versions of a webpage or CTA to see which performs better. Things you can test are:

  • Headlines
  • Button colors
  • Images
  • CTA copy
  • The placement of elements on the page

Use a tool like Optimizely to run these tests and make informed, data-driven decisions.

Step 6: Promote Your Lead Magnet

You want your lead magnet to reach the widest audience possible, and that means you need to promote it far and wide. A multi-channel promotion strategy can be especially effective. This means promoting your lead magnet across various channels to reach a broader audience. To drive traffic to your landing page, consider using: 

  • Organic social media on channels like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram
  • Email marketing
  • Paid ads (Google, Facebook)
  • Your website 

For example, you could share snippets of your lead magnet on LinkedIn to entice your professional audience or run a Facebook ad campaign targeting specific industries.

Leverage Influencers. Another way to extend your reach is by partnering with industry influencers. By working with influential individuals in your industry with a large following, you can tap into their established audience and lend credibility to your lead magnet. 

Reach out to thought leaders in your niche and offer them exclusive access to your lead magnet in exchange for a review or shoutout. With businesses earning $5.78 for every $1 spent on influencer marketing, this tactic can pay off big time.

Monitor and Adjust. It’s time to go back to the data. Use data analytics to track the performance of your lead magnet and refine your promotion strategies accordingly. Monitor metrics including: 

  • Click-through rates
  • Conversion rates
  • Time on page
  • Bounce rates

Regularly monitor your metrics and adjust your strategies based on what’s working and what’s not.

Step 7: Follow Up with Nurturing Campaigns

close-up on business people's hands holding a seedling to represent nurturing leads for lead magnet creation

An effective B2B lead magnet creation strategy doesn’t end once your content is published; a longer-term strategy involves nurture campaigns that continue to engage leads after they’ve downloaded the lead magnet.

Create tailored follow-up sequences for different audience segments. Use the data from your lead magnet downloads to segment your audience and send personalized follow-up emails. 

For example, if someone downloaded a guide on small business accounting tips, follow up with additional resources or a webinar invite related to small business accounting software or tax strategies.

Value-Driven Content. Continue providing valuable content to nurture leads through the sales funnel. Send regular emails with tips, case studies, and industry insights that align with their interests. In the B2B space, it can take several touch-points with a prospect before they act—so following up consistently over time can pay off.

Measure and Refine. Track engagement and conversion metrics to continually improve your nurturing campaigns. An email marketing tool like Mailchimp or ActiveCampaign makes it easy to monitor open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. Refine your content and strategies based on these insights to keep your leads moving through the funnel.

Capture Leads with Website Visitor Tracking. Leverage website visitor tracking tools like LeadLander to capture visitor lead data for people who come to your landing page but don’t complete the form. This data can add more prospects to your list for nurture campaigns.

Finding Success with B2B Lead Magnet Creation

If you’ve been following along with these steps, then you’re well on your way to driving more conversions and revenue with B2B lead magnet creation. Even if your initial efforts don’t yield great results, stick with the strategy and try again. Continue to let the data guide you, and lean into personalization whenever you can.

If you’re looking to identify more leads that are already interested in your business, LeadLander can help with website visitor identification. Sign up for a free, 14-day trial—no credit card needed.

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