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Social media is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience, but it can be a real challenge to take that traffic and convert it into a workable set of warm leads. You’ll need a repeatable strategy for generating warm leads. Keep reading to get an overview of the best strategies for social media lead generation.

Distinguishing warm and cold leads

Before diving in, let’s briefly review what separates a warm lead from a cold one. 

A lead is cold when they haven’t shown any interest in your products or services. For example, you might have gotten the email address of someone who fits your target audience, but maybe they haven’t interacted with your brand yet. 

A warm lead has shown an interest in your brand. They might have engaged with a social media post, sent you a question via email, or requested assistance from one of your sales representatives.

Why consistently generating warm leads matters

Every business needs to have a consistent flow of warm leads coming into its sales funnel. That’s because the conversion process for warm leads is much simpler. It can often be as easy as answering a few of their questions and making a personalized pitch to a decision-maker within the organization.

Of course, you shouldn’t ignore cold leads. But you typically have to dedicate more time to convert them since you will have to start at square one.

When you generate warm leads consistently, your sales team can focus more of its time on late-stage sales work. This is almost always a positive for your bottom line because it means your salespeople get to spend more time closing and less time educating.

Find out which strategy would suit your team best when it comes to social media lead generation.

Best strategies for generating warm leads on social media

There are multiple channels companies use to generate warm leads – social media is one of the most misunderstood. If you’re not generating a steady stream of warm leads through your social media accounts, here are some strategies:

Fix your profile

The first step to generating warm leads on social is making sure your profile’s built for the task. You should make sure your profile has three main things before you move forward and try the other tips on this list:

  1. You need to have contact information on your profile. Put it in your bio so that anyone wanting to learn more about what you do knows exactly how to contact you. Just make sure that you’re directing traffic to a location where you will respond to it. In other words, if you don’t have someone monitoring an email address, don’t link to it in your bio.
  1. Your profiles should have call-to-action buttons. These should direct your leads where you want them to go next on their journey of discovering your brand.
  1. Make sure that your social media profiles have links in your bio

Focus on sharing clickable content

The goal of having a social media profile is typically to gather new traffic and push it into your sales funnel. But you won’t get your social media traffic into the other parts of your ecosystem if you’re not sharing clickable content.

To do this successfully, you need to make posts short, sweet, and to the point. Remember, the competition for your audience’s attention is fierce. The content you share needs to grab their attention and hold it long enough to get them to click your link.

Once a user clicks, you can send them to another part of your ecosystem where you can push them further into your sales funnel. This will often be your website.

Share testimonials

Another way to generate warm leads on social media is by sharing testimonials. Customers often instinctually tune out marketing jargon because they’re bombarded with it constantly.

Cut through the noise by getting someone else to speak highly of an experience they had with your company or product. Happy clients will often be more than willing to give you a short testimonial. 

Try going live

You also might consider hosting live educational events on your pages. Instead of using a third-party platform to host your next webinar, create an informal series of talks that people can tune into on your account.

This is a great way to get some buzz building around your brand’s social media page — especially if the content you’re delivering is truly useful to your target audience. 

Build better landing pages

When many companies think about generating warm leads through social, the process often stops with getting the lead to their website. You’ll need to get the lead into your sales funnel once they make it to your website – and to do that consistently, you will need strong landing pages.

Your landing pages need to be relevant to the content. They should be simple and easy for users to browse and contain a clear CTA.

If you can put all of these things together, you won’t need to worry about losing out on a potential warm lead just because they lost interest in your landing page.

Use ads with special offers

Social media ads are another highly effective way to generate warm leads on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. However, not all ads are created equal. Some will be more effective at finding new leads for you than others.

One way to distinguish your ads is by attaching special offers. If a user clicks on a post, they’ll receive a discount on a subscription.

Your company may want to consider embracing a similar approach to its ads. Doing so could be just what you need to start getting more warm leads.

Work with influencers

89% of marketers say that the ROI from influencer marketing is as good or better than from other channels. That’s a solid majority, which indicates just how impactful influencer marketing for social can be.

This strategy lets you benefit from pre-built audiences that often have a strong connection with the influencer they follow. And keep in mind, bigger doesn’t always mean better. Micro-influencers often have more loyal and motivated communities, which could help you see a higher follow-through rate if you decide to work with one.

Get the most out of your warm leads to achieve your social media lead generation goals.

LeadLander helps companies get the most out of their warm leads

Social media is an incredible resource for generating warm leads. If you can leverage it to keep your sales funnel filled, your company will be in an excellent position to achieve its goals.

But securing warm leads isn’t enough to increase your sales on its own. Conversion is key. This means moving a client through your sales funnel after you get them to your website.

LeadLander makes this much easier to do. LeadLander helps companies:

  • Discover new leads
  • Receive real-time alerts when prospects revisit your website
  • Track users’ browsing behavior on your website
  • Maintain alignment between marketing and sales

Click on this link to try a free 14-day trial of LeadLander today.

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