Business leader working from car on his computer using ChatGPT, GPT-3 chatbot

ChatGPT is a powerful artificial intelligence (AI) language model (aka online tool) developed by OpenAI. It has been trained on a massive amount of data, making it intelligent enough to generate human-like responses to different types of requests or prompts. For business and sales leaders, ChatGPT is an incredibly useful tool that can be used to brainstorm sales ideas and strategies, and write a variety of different types of sales copy. 

ChatGPT (also known as GPT-3 chatbot) can also help automate repetitive tasks like answering frequently asked questions or providing product information. This can free up a salesperson’s time, allowing them to focus on more high-value activities such as building relationships with customers and closing sales. 

Let’s jump into the different ways you can use ChatGPT to improve your business’s sales game. 

ChatGPT & Sales Copywriting

ChatGPT works best when you use it as a tool to support your sales copywriting process. Keep in mind that, although it’s pretty darn smart, it’s still a machine that doesn’t have all of the knowledge and context as human beings. As a copywriting tool, ChatGPT and other AI copywriting software can help save you time by generating rough drafts which you can then edit, tweak, and polish into a usable piece of copy — whether for sales emails, ad copy, product descriptions, or other short copy. Here’s a simple process to help you get the most out of ChatGPT (GPT-3) email generator tools:

  • Understand the purpose of your copy: Before you get started with ChatGPT email writing, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the purpose of your copy. Are you trying to generate leads, promote a product or service, or persuade someone to take a specific action? Knowing the purpose of your copy will help you focus on the most important elements to provide the right information that guides the AI chatbot. 
  • Gather information: Before you begin the AI writing process, gather all the information you need to create your copy. This might include information about your product or service, your target audience, and any key selling points or benefits you want to highlight. Having this information on hand will make it easier for ChatGPT to generate relevant and effective copy for small business emails, prospecting emails, and other types of emails.
  • Use detailed prompts: One of the most powerful features of ChatGPT is its ability to generate text based on a prompt. When writing email copy or ad copy, you can use prompts to guide ChatGPT in the direction you want it to go. For example, if you’re writing an email promoting a new product, you might start with a prompt like “Write a business email to a prospect introducing our new product, [product name], which is perfect for [target audience] and offers [key selling points].” The more details you provide, the more relevant and appropriate the copy it generates will be.
  • Fine-tune your copy: After ChatGPT generates your copy, the review and editing process begins. Make sure that the copy is clear, concise, and easy to understand. You’ll want to check that the message is accurate and grammatically correct, as well as that it aligns with the voice of your brand. You’ll also want to add appropriate hyperlinks or calls to action (CTAs) to ensure that the email prompts the right action in your recipients. ChatGPT also offers the option to “regenerate” its response, so if you aren’t happy with the initial response, you can regenerate it for a new version. You can also adjust your prompt to provide different guidance if the text it generates doesn’t meet your needs.
  • Test and optimize: Once your copy is finalized, it’s important to test it to see how it performs. Try sending different versions of your email or ad to a small group of people and see which one gets the best response. If your email marketing tool allows for A/B testing, set up a small test campaign first before sending it out to your entire list. Once you have a clear idea of which version is most effective, use that version and continue to optimize it over time.

The same process applies for generating ad copy, product descriptions, or even social media copy. Remember that ChatGPT only works as well as the guidance you provide it and the effort you put in to edit and refine the generated text. We don’t recommend using ChatGPT in its current iteration for long-form content writing like blog article writing for several reasons: it doesn’t provide links to sources for the data it cites; it is unable to optimize for SEO; and it requires careful fact-checking to ensure the accuracy of the included information (since it doesn’t provide links to sources). Plus, like other AI copywriting tools, the text it generates is very formulaic and repetitive, so it’s unlikely to meet your brand’s tone of voice or reflect your personality.

When you use ChatGPT’s (GPT 3) email generator as a tool to help scale your sales and outreach efforts, though, it can really improve your sales game.

Using ChatGPT for Sales Strategy

Business team discussing how to use ChatGPT gpt-3 AI chatbot

ChatGPT isn’t limited to writing copy — there’s a reason why it’s known as the best AI chatbot out there. It’s an excellent tool for research and brainstorming to help improve your sales process. Specifically, ChatGPT can be used to brainstorm sales strategies and ideas in a few different ways. Here are some examples:

  • Idea generation: ChatGPT’s AI chatbot can be used to generate a list of potential sales strategies based on a prompt or question. For example, you could ask it to, “Generate a list of 10 sales strategies for a new product” with details about your product and ChatGPT will provide a list of 10 different ideas for you to choose from.
  • Market research: ChatGPT can be used to gather information about a specific market or industry, which can then be used to inform your sales strategies. For example, you could ask ChatGPT to research the top-selling products in a particular industry, and then use that information to identify potential target markets and strategies for reaching those target accounts.
  • Competitive analysis: ChatGPT can be used to gather information about your competitors and their sales strategies. By analyzing their strategies, you can identify areas where your organization can differentiate itself and develop a unique, more competitive sales strategy.
  • Scenario planning: ChatGPT can be used to generate different scenarios that you can use to test your sales strategies. By running different scenarios, you can identify potential risks and opportunities and make adjustments to your strategies accordingly.
  • Role-playing: You can use ChatGPT to simulate a sales conversation with a prospect. This will help you to identify any potential objections, and test different ways to respond to those objections.

Put ChatGPT to use to help you identify and test new opportunities and develop effective strategies for reaching your sales goals. Thinking outside the box with creative ideas from an AI chatbot in seconds might just help skyrocket your sales engine.

When It Makes Sense to Use ChatGPT

There’s a reason why everyone is talking about ChatGPT. It’s a more advanced AI chatbot than we’ve ever seen, so why not put it to use to help support your sales efforts? With a little research up front and detailed prompts, ChatGPT can save you time writing tedious sales emails from scratch or brainstorming responses to sales objections. Give it a try and see what it can do for you.


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