multiple businesspeople checking their phones

Did you know that retargeting can lift ad engagement rates by 400%? So clearly, retargeting needs to be at the center of any strategy to get leads and achieve targeted sales goals. But how do you retarget website visitors through social?

Social media should be at the top of your list as you search for opportunities to retarget online sales leads. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and LinkedIn have billions of potential users to retarget.

In this article, we’ll cover:

  • Why retargeting website visitors on social media is worthwhile
  • The best strategies for retargeting users on top social media platforms
  • How to optimize the value you get from your website visitor data

Why retargeting on social media is valuable

It’s worth investing time and money into social media retargeted for several important reasons.

Reconnect with targeted sales leads who have shown an interest in your company

This is the most apparent benefit of retargeting sales leads. The ads you pay for are only shown to those who have demonstrated interest in your business.

Retargeting campaigns usually perform about 10x better than standard ads, so that this approach might be the most cost-effective.

Meet your target audience where they are

The average person spends about 147 minutes per day on social media. It’s where people go to connect, entertain themselves, and discover new passions.

It’s tough to think of a better platform for this than your retargeting ads. Your audience will see your ads on a platform they constantly use, resulting in more exposure.

Improve brand recognition

Social media is also an effective advertising channel for improving brand recognition. Strong, impactful content gets shared. Other advertising channels don’t offer the same opportunity to multiply your impressions as organically.

Here’s how to retarget website visitors via social, and why it’s a lead strategy worth implementing.

Best strategies for retargeting on Facebook and Instagram

Facebook and Instagram are #1 and #4 respectively on the list of social media platforms with the most users. That makes running your retargeting ads on these sites a no-brainer.

Here’s how to get the most out of your retargeted ads on these platforms.

Promote your blog content with advertised posts

Blog posts are an excellent way to encourage people to return to your website. And Facebook and Instagram will let you pay for advertised posts to specific groups of users. You can use this functionality for advertising your blog posts to people who have already visited your website.

Once someone visits your website, you get another chance to get them further down into your sales funnel with calls to action, sign-up forms, and special offers.

Experiment with different types of segmentation for audience retargeting

Facebook has a feature called Pixel, which is code that you add to your website to sync its data with your marketing campaigns on Facebook.

This allows you to get specific with segmenting your audience for retargeting.

For example, Pixel allows you to split your audience based on:

  • How many days it’s been since they last visited your website
  • Which parts of your website they view (such as different product and pricing pages)
  • Customers who have bought from you previously
  • Shoppers with abandoned carts in your online store

With so many options available, why wouldn’t you experiment? It could help you get even more out of your retargeting campaigns.

Make sure your ads line up with your landing pages

You also want to make sure your ads on Facebook and Instagram direct users to landing pages that align with the messaging.

If you advertise a special discount on one of these platforms, users should land on the page that lets them claim that discount immediately after clicking on the ad. 

Prioritize your offer

Ultimately, your offer is what gets a lead to click on your ad and engage with your company. You could have the best copy in the world. But if it doesn’t offer your leads anything truly valuable to them, it’s simply not going to work.

On the other hand, if you can create real value in your offer, you don’t need to have the best copy to succeed. People will click on your ad because they want what it’s offering, even if you don’t use the best string of words to describe it.

How to generate business leads with retargeting on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is perhaps the best social media platform for retargeting if you sell B2B products and services. Here are some tips to enhance your retargeting ads on the platform:

Try retargeted video ads

LinkedIn is full of written content. That makes it easier to stand out when you show your audience a video ad instead.

Utilize these tips to create an effective video ad on LinkedIn:

  • Mix up your use of video, text, and graphics
  • Feature a subtle but clear call to action
  • Add subtitles to the video (since many people will watch with the sound turned off)
  • Keep your videos short

Advertise your blog posts

Blog post advertisements can be as effective on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. These remain one of the best strategies for getting users to navigate from the platform to your website.

Segment your audience

Audience segmentation plays a huge role in your success with retargeted LinkedIn ads – especially if your company deals with vastly different types of clients.

That’s why it’s essential not to lump all of your retargeted ads together when using this platform. Instead, use LinkedIn’s built-in features to show your ads to the specific audience segments that’ll drive the most impact.

Get visual

People are drawn to visual content in a way that written content can’t match. On LinkedIn, some data suggests that running an ad with the right image attached to it can nearly double your click-through rate.

The best visuals to include in your LinkedIn ads will depend on your brand, your target audience, and what you’re advertising.

Strategies for getting more out of retargeting TikTok sales leads online

TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms in the world. Research shows that about 60% of TikTok users are between 16 and 24. This may be the best social media platform for retargeted ads if you’re trying to appeal to a younger audience.

Here are some tips for getting the most out of your retargeting campaigns on TikTok.

Build out your ideal custom audience

TikTok forces you to create a custom audience before you can run retargeting campaigns on the site. But you would want to do this anyway because you’ll earn more value from your ads.

Think carefully about who you would appeal most to with your TikTok ads. Use that information to build audiences based on:

  • Website traffic
  • Custom customer files
  • Engagement data on previous posts
  • Overall TikTok app activity

Show ads to users who watch specific lengths of your videos

Another nice feature of TikTok’s retargeting tool is it lets you customize your audience based on how many of your videos they watch.

You can choose to target only users who watch 75% or more of your videos instead of 25%. This ensures you’re only paying for ads that get in front of potential users.

Partner with influencers

Influencer marketing is another great way to retarget users on TikTok. Research shows that partnering with small TikTok accounts can be a highly effective way to boost engagement numbers for your ads, as small TikTok influencers have an engagement rate of nearly 18%. This is much higher than Instagram (3.86%) and YouTube (1.63%).

Cycle through multiple TikTok content creators

Creative fatigue is a very real thing. It leads to declining content quality and can be especially dangerous on TikTok, where videos are short and frequently posted.

That’s why it’s also a good idea to rely on multiple people within your company to create TikTok videos for you. Cycling through content creators can help you avoid the problems associated with creative fatigue.

Retarget website leads via social by partnering with influencers, building an ideal audience, and more.

LeadLander can help your company get more out of its social media retargeting strategies

Social media retargeting could be what you need to hit your sales goals. But to make the most of it, you’re going to need a consistent source of rich website data.

LeadLander makes this a breeze. With our platform, you’ll be able to see

  • Who’s visiting your website
  • What products they’re looking at
  • When they return to your site

You can get as precise as you need to with your social media retargeting campaigns.

Try a free 14-day trial of LeadLander to experience the value.

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