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Updated August 24, 2021

In our original article, we talked about how important your website’s landing pages are for getting visitors into your sales funnel. But optimizing your landing pages is a complicated process. That’s why we’re back with an update. Here are several additional tips that you can use to generate leads with your landing pages.

Original Article

Increasing your website visits is a great way to improve your sales numbers – but it’s only part of the battle. To optimize your B2B sales lead generating process, you also need to create landing pages that resonate with your target audience. If you’re not quite sure how to do that, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to learn why web landing pages matter, how to make yours more effective, and ultimately, how to generate leads through landing pages.

Why Landing Pages Matter For Your Sales Lead Generating Process

Landing pages are the web pages that leads go to when they interact with one of your company’s ads, social media posts, or email marketing campaigns. Getting a lead to click on a link that takes them to a landing page is the first step toward converting them into paying customers.

The next step is to get the lead to follow through with the call-to-action you’ve included on the landing page. The only way to boost this conversion is to create landing pages that meet your target audience’s specifications. That means there’s a very direct link between creating strong landing pages and reaching your B2B sales goals.

Generate leads through your landing page by optimizing your layout and writing conversion-boosting copy.

10 Ways To Get More Out Of Your Website Visits With Improved Landing Pages

Keep things simple

The most important rule of creating effective landing pages for your website visitors is keeping things simple. You can’t overwhelm people who click on your ads. 

Instead, you just want to show them the content they expect in as simple a form as possible. Do this, and you’ll be on the right track to making your B2B landing pages stand out.

To keep things simple, make sure you’re only asking for the information you need. It’s also a great idea to embrace whitespace instead of trying to fill the entire page up. Finally, make sure the images and text you use are straightforward and to the point.

Color design matters more than you think

Color design is really important to your sales lead generating process. A recent peer-reviewed article found that a customer forms an opinion of a product or service in just 90 seconds. And 60 – 90% of that interaction depends on the product’s color (or the color scheme your brand uses to advertise its services).

Neil Patel has a great article about color design if you’d like to learn more about leveraging it to get better at sales lead generating.

Optimize your landing pages for mobile viewing

Most web traffic now comes from mobile devices (about 69%). That’s a massive number that indicates just how important optimization is for landing pages to capture mobile internet users.

This isn’t a complicated thing to do either. You just need to build slightly different versions of your landing pages to ensure that they’re super easy to use when accessed with a mobile device.

Keep your messaging consistent

When you advertise a product or service online, you’re inviting internet users to embark on a sort of journey with you. You’re asking them to click on your ad, go to your landing page, and complete some call-to-action.

Every phase of this journey must be consistent in terms of messaging. For example, if you run an ad that offers a free service, you can’t take the user to a landing page with a CTA for a paid version of your product. Otherwise, they won’t trust your company, and you’ll lose business. Ensuring that your ad copy, landing page copy, and CTA are all aligned will help to significantly reduce the number of leads you lose from one phase of this journey to another. Check out these writing tips for landing page copy that actually converts.

Make more landing pages

According to a recent HubSpot report, companies see a 55% in sales lead generating when they go from 10 landing pages to 15. This suggests that companies that invest in creating more landing pages tend to get more out of their website visits.

The reasoning likely has to do with the fact that if you build more landing pages, the extra versions will be more specifically targeted.

You don’t necessarily need to have 10-15 landing pages if you’re a small business with only one or two products or services. But you should consider using more landing pages to be more targeted with how you display to specific audience segments.

Reduce the empty space on your forms

There’s so much psychology to sales and marketing. But one psychological angle you might consider is the amount of space your forms take up.

A great landing page makes it as easy as possible for website visitors to input their information and move on with their day. Even if you don’t reduce the number of questions you ask on your form, you may make people more likely to fill it out by reducing the empty space between questions.

This might sound like an upgrade so small it’s not even worth making. However, the simple act of making your forms appear smaller can have a big psychological impact on your website visitors.

Use images

Imagery is a great way to take a stale landing page to the next level. But don’t use the same boring stock photos everyone else is using. 

Studies have shown that you can increase your conversion rate by up to 50% by adding photos of real people. So get some shots of your team and try adding them to your landing page. It could be just what you need to improve your sales lead generating process. Even consider infographics or video.

Add Testimonials

Use your landing pages to highlight some of the benefits your products or services provide by adding testimonials from real clients on your landing pages. 

Your website visitors will be likelier to trust what they’re reading about your brand if it’s not couched in marketing jargon. Testimonials are often a more compelling way to share what makes your company great – adding several to your landing pages could be exactly what you need to get more of your visitors to follow through with your CTAs.

That being said, make sure that you keep the testimonials relevant to the specific products or services corresponding to the landing page. Otherwise, you risk losing your visitors’ interest before they get to your call to action.

Highlight Limited-Time Offers

Creating a sense of urgency in your visitors can be a really effective way to get them into your sales funnel. Creating limited-time offers and then highlighting those on your landing pages is a great way to achieve this.

Say someone visits your landing page, reads about what you have to offer, then exits the page because they want to think about it. If you give them a short amount of time to take action on an offer they find valuable, they’ll be much likelier to complete the purchase or signup cycle.

You don’t necessarily have to tie this to making a purchase, however. You might give a visitor 10% off their first purchase if they provide you with their email address within the next day. 

That way you get as many people into your funnel as possible without requiring them to commit to an immediate purchase.

Share Resources Relevant to Your Target

Landing pages are also an excellent place to share high-quality resources that your target audience cares about. This is a list that includes things like:

  • Infographics
  • Videos
  • eBooks
  • Blog posts
  • How-to guides

The idea behind sharing resources like these is to get first-time visitors to stay on your website longer. Because the longer that a potential lead is on your website, the more data you can gather about them (especially if you’re using a tool like, say, LeadLander).

And the more data you have on a customer, the easier it is to push them down your sales funnel and drive them toward converting.

What A Great B2B Landing Page Looks Like

Automation Anywhere

Automation Anywhere’s landing page stands out for its excellent form. You’ll notice that the number of questions on the form is pretty high. The company has situated its questions in a column to make it seem like there are fewer of them.

You’ll also notice there’s virtually no empty space between each question, and there isn’t any wasted text on the page. This makes the landing page appear clean, even though it’s asking for a lot of information.


Alkami’s landing page is a great example of brand, design, and imagery all coming together. It’s got a great, clear image that’s relevant to the CTA. The landing page also has a very clear headline indicating what the page is for.

The company’s form is also straightforward. They only ask for four pieces of information and have an optional message field for customers who want to share more.

Persistent Systems

With this landing page, Persistent Systems shows us the right way to organize landing pages with a lot of content. The top half of the page is straightforward: it’s a single headline with a button that lets users request a demo. It’s doesn’t get cleaner than this.

The company also includes a ton of information on this landing page, it’s just hidden below the fold. Visitors who want a quick way to request a demo can request one without having to sift through a ton of information. And users wanting to learn about the company can scroll down to find everything they need to know. 

The result is a landing page that’s simple and informative without having to make sacrifices in either category.

Effectively generate leads through landing pages by using website visitor tracking software.

Improve Your B2B Sales Lead Generating Process With LeadLander

Generating leads is complicated. To do it effectively, you need information about who’s interacting with your website and the engagement of their interactions. LeadLander is the best tool to get this data.

Our platform gives you a wealth of information to help you discover new leads, confirm interest from existing ones, and improve your website. Everyone in your organization can use LeadLander, which makes it a single solution that can help sales, marketing, and management.

We’re currently offering a free 14-day trial, which you can sign up for here.


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