Turn Site
Visitors into
Your Bottom Line
Visitors into
Your Bottom Line
LeadLander provides detailed profiles of the companies that visit your website, arming your sales team with a steady stream of warm leads. With this expanded access to detailed data, sales & marketing professionals can easily identify which companies are responding to your efforts and visiting your website to get more information, empowering teams to engage with them at just the right time. We’ve worked with companies like yours and we’re here to teach your sales & marketing staff to turn every site visitor into a client.
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In today’s day and age, it is all about data. Data driven sales. LeadLander has become a great data point for us. It is also something we use on a daily basis.
With LeadLander, we can see exactly who was on our website and it is actionable data for our sales people.
— Jeremy Linehan, President, Profit Recovery Partners
With LeadLander we can see exactly who was on our website the day before and it’s actionable data for our sales people.
— Jerry McGee, Managing Partner, Framework Capital